Monday, 9 January 2012

It begins

So although my first meeting isn't until tonight I thought it would be best to start this week as I intended to go on.

I never eat when I first wake in the morning I just can't face it, but after being told that it was better to eat breakfast first thing as it would kick start everything into working I was determined to do it.

The other big thing was tea without sugar, the first two cups of the day I added a sweetener but I'm now trying without anything.

The only other change is my lunch box for work, this now has four portions of fruit, ryvita minis instead of crisps, a shape yogurt and instead of a sandwich I have a pitta bread with chicken and salad no dressings or butter.

So I've started how I intend to go on , really looking forward to the meeting tonight and getting some more hints and tips. I'll blog again after tonight to let you know how it goes but for now that's it, you'll find me in the corner pulling faces as I drink my tea


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